Get a tibble of spots from the BARB API
Get a tibble of spots from the BARB API
min_transmission_date = NULL,
max_transmission_date = NULL,
station_code = "",
macro_regions = FALSE,
consolidated = TRUE,
use_reporting_days = FALSE,
async = TRUE
- min_transmission_date
Start date of the spot query
- max_transmission_date
End date of the spot query
- station_code
A station code obtained with barb_get_stations()
- macro_regions
whether to return macro or standard region areas
- consolidated
whether to return consolidated or only live viewing. Defaults to TRUE (consolidated).
- use_reporting_days
whether to use a standard 24 hour clock or the BARB reporting clock. Defaults to FALSE (standard 24 hour clock).
- async
should the async API be used?