Bucky offers a wiring API to create publishers and consumers of messages succinctly and with little effort.
To get started with creating publishers and consumers for specific tasks, start by importing everything related to automatic derivation of JSON codecs as well as everything related to wiring:
import com.itv.bucky.circe._
import com.itv.bucky.wiring._
import io.circe.generic.auto._
Once you have imported all dependencies, you can proceed by creating wiring declarations. Wiring declarations expect at least the type of the messages exchanged over RabbitMQ as well as a name for the wiring.
case class EmailParams(userId: String, emailAddress: String)
object SendPasswordReset extends Wiring[EmailParams](
name = WiringName("tasks.password-reset-email")
Once you have declared a wiring, you can start using it by creating publishers and consumers. When you create publishers and consumers, the wiring will declare all relevant exchanges, routing keys and queues for you.
def startConsumer(client: AmqpClient[IO]) =
for {
_ <- SendPasswordReset.registerConsumer(client) { message =>
IO.delay {
println("Sending password reset email: destination=${message.emailAddress}")
} yield ()
def startPublisher(client: AmqpClient[IO]) =
for {
sendPasswordReset <- SendPasswordReset.publisher(client)
_ <- sendPasswordReset(EmailParams("123", "test@example.com"))
} yield ()
The previous example of a SendPasswordReset
wiring was using the default
options for declaration. You can customise the wiring if you wish to not use
generated exchange names, routing keys, etc.
object SendPasswordReset
extends Wiring[EmailParams](
setExchangeName = Some(ExchangeName("emails.outgoing")),
setRoutingKey = Some(RoutingKey("emails.password.reset")),
setQueueName = Some(QueueName("emails.password.reset")),
setExchangeType = Some(Topic),
setRequeuePolicy = Some(RequeuePolicy(maximumProcessAttempts = 10, requeueAfter = 10.minutes)),
setPrefetchCount = Some(10)
You can also create publishers that send custom headers with every message as follows:
def startPublisherWithHeaders(client: AmqpClient[IO]) =
for {
sendPasswordReset <- SendPasswordReset.publisherWithHeaders(client)
_ <- sendPasswordReset(
EmailParams("123", "test@example.com"),
Map("x-sent-timestamp" -> ZonedDateTime.now(ZoneId.of("UTC")))
} yield ()