Get help

Depending on the kind of help or support you need, there are a few places you can try:

Feature requests and bug reports

Have a look around our issues page to see if anyone else has raised a similar request. If not, please raise a new issue and we’ll try and help.

If you’re a developer and you’re feeling brave and generous, feel free to submit a pull request and we’ll always do our best to accept it. For more information, please read our contributing file.

Information on Pact or CDC

Good places to start are the official website or this article on CDC.

Help using Scala-Pact or Pact

Please direct questions to the stackoverflow page or the official Pact support google group. As well as queries, we would love to hear feedback about your experiences with Scala-Pact and Pact generally.

If you’re a developer looking to contribute or build a new Pact implementation there’s a group for that too!

The source code for this page can be found here.